Wednesday, December 22, 2004

holidays bite

Yes, they do. But this too shall pass, and the holiday depression will soon depart. I hope.

Off I go to the DR. this morning to admit I lied and get on with this work comp crap.

It is cold, I have to finish Xmas shopping, (with no money as usual). Don't you just love standing in line?

Me either.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

hello out there... anybody home??

It has been many months since I have written down my thoughts here. Tons of things have happened and it doesn't look like it will slow down anytime soon, so here is my update.

First of all... since... let's see, was it August last time I wrote.. geesh.. I married my best friend in September, went back to work, started a law suit, got another job, quit my job, wrecked my car, power shopped with my daughter and actually got along! for the first time, learned to say no and mean it, made a decision about my life and a career choice, bit off a chunk of reality without actually choking on it. That was a first. (cough)

Marriage. I married Steve on September 5. It was the neatest wedding. We were surrounded by his family and many of our friends. I spent a wonderful day with my new step-daughter soaking in the pool at her hotel, then steaming in the sauna, then soaking again. We had long lazy conversation and she kept me from imploding with the impending stress. Thanks Skye. You're the best.

As we drove up to the park, everyone was busy putting the final touches on the gazebo. It was strange thinking that our guests were working for us, but after it was over, it was the coolest vibe, that everyone had pitched in to make it a special thing. Between the mosquitos, the wind that really made you feel like you were at the beach, and the ensuing monsoon at the end, I would wish for everyone to have a day as wonderful as ours. Plus, on the way back to the house, there was fireworks at the golf course. It was a present we didn't even ask for.... so cool.

Back to work. Oh man. Nuf said. I went back to the airport and resumed my duties as a gate screener. I love my job, but know I can't do it for a long time because of my delicate back. That part is difficult to deal with. I have always been the work horse, now I am the wimp. My co-workers are wonderful, but of course, corporate is gritchy at best. They infact demanded my badge on October (something) but I talked them into letting me pursue a re-evaluation. I am not sure that was in my best interest, but I did it. Knowing full well I would have to lie to get through it. Dumb move. I was terrified of not having another job and loosing this one. Now I have to just be honest and tell them I lied. Suppose that will work?

I got an attorney and started the work comp case. Now they will not speak with me in the office at all. All legal mumbo-jumbo. Isn't it special what the world has come to.

Got another job. Yeah! I am losing a huge chunk of money, but I want to be mobile when I am old, so it looks like I will have to settle for being broke right now. I hope I can enjoy this new job as much as I love my old one. I don't start until January, and even if it is awful I am stuck. It is one of those "suck it up" moments.

The night before Thanksgiving, I totalled my car on black ice. The seat belt yanked me, and the airbag punched me in the face, but nothing was as bad as the patrolman grabbing me by the shoulder and yelling to RUN as another car was sliding into us. That time I thought I was going to die. I don't take early outs at work anymore. ha. Of course, it didn't hit us, and all is well. Nothing broken or burned. I have a team of angels that work overtime.

Sarah is now 20. Shit I am old. All my kids are turning out so cool. Sarah came and we shopped last week. She has a lot of her scorpio momma in her. What a dangerous one she is to her men... Sagitarius with a stinger. Ouch.

Okay. I have to get ready to intimidate some more passengers today. I will tell about learning to say no and mean it later. Really! I will! Soon. hopefully.