Saturday, July 09, 2005


School is going well. I am almost done with my technique classes. It is tough, I don't like inflicting pain, deep tissue makes me uneasy as my client is flinching on the table, so don't expect a lot of deep work from me. I can affect the body on a somatic level by gentle touch as well as one can through deep work. Or so it seems to this uneducated budding therapist.

It is hard to watch changes going on around you and not want to intercede. I know my dear friend will land on her feet as she is going through this shake down, but the mother hen in me still wants to help her... even though I know I can't. It is also hard to have my loving daughter call me in tears because her Great Dane is going to have to find yet another home. I want to rescue her from that, but can't do anything more than lend a shoulder to cry on. If it was a perfect world, the lottery would be mine tonight, all my friends and family would be out of debt, my acreage would hold all the strays I run into (human and animal), and this twisted reality we live in would become clear.

Jody, we need to meet and just have a beer and talk over what is happening. Remember when I went through the funnel? It started long before the fire, and you were always there for me. By the way, thanks for that.

I am here for you.

But SH** girl! Can't you find something slightly more tropical than Nome? Nonetheless, I'm with ya... no matter where this takes you.

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