Thursday, March 30, 2006

I remember....

I was reading Acidman this morning and it sparked a memory of my own regarding driving a stick shift automobile. I learned on my dad's Chevy One Ton truck. That hummer had 454 under the hood and way more power than a teenage girl should know about. Damn it's no wonder no one would ride with me while I learned. They just took me out in the middle of a field and said, "Go." Only took a little while to get it.

I wonder... will most of today's children ever even know what it is like to drive a 454? Probably not. What a shame.

Another memory I have of overly high powered vehicles.... I was 17, dating the fool I would marry (for 17 years mind you), and he had basically the same truck only lighter, built to tow something. When you are a kid growing up in a Very Rural Area, you get away with a lot of crap. His truck would lay black marks clean across the four lane highway before you got to second gear. I liberated his truck from him one night after a ballgame, was onery as hell, got caught by the cops, returned his truck before they could find me for sure, slid out of the drivers seat before they came around the corner, and smiled like the innocent child I was.

Well I was. No, really!

So? He didn't get a ticket....

But someone should have.

Monday, March 27, 2006

catching up

Yes, it has been a long time since I posted. From the looks of it, almost everyone that was becoming a regular reader has left. .... Such is the life of a writer...wannabe...

Newsworthy notes include the moving of the business, the trip to Vegas, the hailstorm that pummelled my cars, and the fact you can come real close on insurance totalling your car and they still don't do it.

First up... moving the business. I am moving my business to a salon here in town. K is giving me an amazing cut as opposed to rent and it still is MY business. In business circles, it was a great decision, but in the office when I told my current slum lord I was leaving he blew a gasket. I tried to explain that coming up with $450 a month when you don't have clients was like bleeding a turnip, but he just ranted and raved at me for a couple hours about shit that had NOTHING to do with me.

Damn it. A~! Get over it! He would have done the same thing in my shoes.

The hail storm. It happened Sunday before I flew out. There was absolutely no warning this was coming, and suddenly the sky did that "turn green" thing and golf balls fell on my pretty little Honda and the van that has served us without fail for 10 years. Now I have $4000 worth of damage on the Honda, and the van was $4.75 short of being totalled.

Guess it is about time we clean out the garage to park cars.

Next on the list... Vegas!!! Oh let's just say Vegas never gets worse, only freakier. I went to my first Vegas show, Zumanity, which was amazing. I ate at Tao's.... the total bill for 4 of us was over $500... thank goodness my travel companion picked up the tab! I had my first "spa" massage which was wretched. I felt like I had been hammered on for 80 minutes. The therapist told me it was a relaxing massage and proceeded to literally hit me with open fists and that was the sum total of the massage. The tab for that puppy was $215! Our total bill at Four Seasons was $1500 for four people. Once again, Thank Goodness that tab was picked up by my travel companion.

I didn't actually go to Vegas to play. I went to learn Lomi Lomi (Hawaiian Temple Massage) and it was completely awesome. The Hawaiians traditionally use it for rituals, and you can have some pretty amazing results emotionally with this modality. Hopefully I will get to use it here... because I love it! If you really let go and get into the moment of the massage, you come out the other end of it just in love with the entire world.

More to come....