Thursday, March 30, 2006

I remember....

I was reading Acidman this morning and it sparked a memory of my own regarding driving a stick shift automobile. I learned on my dad's Chevy One Ton truck. That hummer had 454 under the hood and way more power than a teenage girl should know about. Damn it's no wonder no one would ride with me while I learned. They just took me out in the middle of a field and said, "Go." Only took a little while to get it.

I wonder... will most of today's children ever even know what it is like to drive a 454? Probably not. What a shame.

Another memory I have of overly high powered vehicles.... I was 17, dating the fool I would marry (for 17 years mind you), and he had basically the same truck only lighter, built to tow something. When you are a kid growing up in a Very Rural Area, you get away with a lot of crap. His truck would lay black marks clean across the four lane highway before you got to second gear. I liberated his truck from him one night after a ballgame, was onery as hell, got caught by the cops, returned his truck before they could find me for sure, slid out of the drivers seat before they came around the corner, and smiled like the innocent child I was.

Well I was. No, really!

So? He didn't get a ticket....

But someone should have.

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