Monday, May 19, 2008

Guess who's still here?

It seems I have not updated for quite a while. Should be easy enough to have topics eh? Between the (my) economy going straight to hell, and politics, and still working in hel... in a place I'm not crazy about... yes, there's enough to talk about.

Economy. As I imagine everyone is, I have never worked so hard for so long and been so broke. It's amazing. I have always had to watch my money, but never have I worked for a paycheck and my paycheck won't even cover necessities. Luxury things like cable and cell phones are no longer in the equation, however cell phones are on the necessity list since my home phone is not connected. So does that make groceries a necessity or a luxury? I spend $129 at the store last week, bought the cheapest of cheap groceries, no meat at all and still came home and wondered what the heck to do with this stuff? Eggs and Top Ramen? Pretty sucky meal. Maybe if you could throw some chicken and peas with it, but who gets that kind of stuff? Must be millionaires.

Politics. I'm pretty firm with my choice. My republican parents will probably melt in their chairs to know I plan to enjoy watching change happen with the next administration. My candidate has been the only one I have ever seen that actually knows (or shows genuine understanding for) what we are going through personally and what we are heading into as a society/planet. My children are going to inherit this disaster. The LEAST we can do is provide them with leadership showing enough drive to enact honest change.

Just as a business cannot do transactions using simply a cash register now, we as a society cannot continue to condone "politics as usual" in our capital and right on down the list. The days of politicians and smoke filled rooms have gone the wayside. We all got drug kicking and screaming into the information age, thus leaving "cash registers" behind. Now we must launch ourselves into activism in the political realm with a commitment unlike before and leave old school politics in the dust.

Gone are the days of waiting for "Washington" to act. We must act. In my humble opinion, Barack Obama is prepared to lead us into action.

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