Sunday, March 20, 2011

The spring barbeque

Friday night I had one of those "Oh!" moments, ya know? Things just got a little bit clearer around the edges about some stuff. It was kinda cool actually. I spent the afternoon with my bestest gf on a long range golf cart tour, drinking wine and creek cruisin'. It was time to head for the ponderosa, so off I went to make dinner for my dear hubby that works like a crazy man to keep us alive.

Drive home. . . uneventful.

Lo and behold?? What is this? I have MORE wine at home waiting for me?? omg life is sweet. Now, what to fix that man of mine. Ah ha. I got it. I just found brats hiding in the fridge, so off I go to light the grill.

Now, keep in mind. It is FINALLY 75 degrees outside and people are emerging from their little gopher holes to see what all the fuss is about, so I wasn't surprised to hear people in the neighborhood rousting about.

So I am puttering about, pouring my wine, head to the garage to get the charcoal, and what's that? Do I hear music? And decent music at that? hhmmmmm....

Yes, my new neighbor has moved into the senior citizen housing across the street from me. He is a Cuban fellow, most likely in his late 70's...and apparently loves old blues. SO... I am lighting my grill, sippin' my wine and I hear a lusty old man voice holler out... "lighting the grill... nice... very nice..."

LOL... WHAT???? There he sits with his white Havana undershirt on, with his ankle-biter dog on a chain, playin music louder than the neighborhood teenagers, and running commentary on my barbecue demonstration.

Gotta love my life....

Oh well... I figure if he wants to watch me cook and will play music for me its a good trade.


meanwhile during all of this, my lovely dog had every so nicely helped herself to all my brats but three while I was enjoying the music outside. shit. needless to say she spent the next day being VERY well behaved after the scolding she got.