Monday, April 11, 2005

Wow... nice right hook!

Holy cow did I get JUST what I needed today. Yes, I agree Scott. I am drowning in self pity and it makes me feel shitty. Thanks for being there when I need it. And with that being said, did I ever get plowed under by "doin' the mom-thing" this weekend.

Saturday was Derek's first Prom. I hemmed and hawed about going because I just refuse to subject myself to the judgment of my old life, but I sucked it up and went just for Derek's sake. It was totally worth it to see him in a tux for the first time and picking up his first date with all the nervous energy. I did go to Downs to get his flowers for Emily and saw some old friends there. What a strain that was. Walking into the flower shop was an interesting feeling, but we all survived it with relatively few scrapes.

Then I raced back to KC because Sarah was coming down Saturday night to spend the night before going to pick up a puppy for her father on Sunday.

Her car broke down in Topeka and luckily I had not gone through at that point, so she caught a ride with me to KC from there. Sunday we went to Columbia MO to get the new puppy then back to Topeka to meet her dad and retrieve her car. As I was driving back to KC on Sunday night, I figured the hours I had spent in the car from Friday night to Sunday could have easily landed my butt in the Grand Canyon had I just kept going. Maybe next time....

School is just an awesome experience. I can hardly wait for Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have started Swedish massage classes, so we are literally a "hands on" class now. One of the best things is being in the same head space with people who actually think like I do for the first time in my life. Is that shallow? Not that others in my life didn't challenge and expand me, but body workers have a skewed view besides being the pinnacle of procrastinators. What a riot to see 14 other people show up for class like I do and we are all doing the cram and slam with the homework issue. Apparently it is a prerequisite to be a procrastinator. No lie. They actually told us that on the first day of Ethics class. G-d, I have found my niche!

I have to do 30 massages (free) on anyone who will allow me before the end of June. It is part of the requirement for graduation. Poor Steve is already looking at me with a distinct look of "oh shit, again???" when I approach him. Poor baby. Suppose I should seek more volunteers?

Well, it is Monday, I do have homework (which we all know I will excuse away until tomorrow) but the trash man is not as generous, so I better go put it at the curb before I am stuck with two weeks worth instead of one.

And just for those who read this, here is a picture of my bestestestest friend who can just smack me precisely when I need it in just the right way.

Thanks Scott. You rock!

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