Monday, October 25, 2010

So my blog still works. Pretty amazing since it seems I get here one a year or so. There has been so much happening and only the ethers know why.

Update: living up country.

We moved back. We've been here for two years now. I still miss my people and my job at the spa. Honestly I thought life would slow down when we got back but it insists on careening along at the breakneck pace as usual. There are many people that still have no idea I am here. Question like, "Are you back on vacation?", or "Really? You live HERE?". Son #2 is amazed I can slide in and stay off the grid completely.

It's ok. I like it.

But alas, I find myself unemployed, worried (again) about not enough funds, crunched financially, and really wanting to find a way to make some real cash from home.

Anybody got any ideas? I am looking at Affiliate Marketing, but damn it I am tired of getting scammed.

We have met some new friends here. That's pretty amazing when you consider all our new friends are former Coloradoans and choose to live here. We haven't known each other for very long at this point (just 6 short weeks!) but it seems we have all been friends for a lifetime. I am relatively sure Sister Tam and I have shared more than one lifetime. Thanks to all of our lucky stars, we are on another trip through history.

Well, at least I know I can still get here to vent/prattle/play.

Always remember, good fences build good neighbors..


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