Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Wednesday, June 2

Today my leg is bothering me. The dull ache and mild numbness is a joke compared to the memory of the mind-numbing pain from a couple of weeks ago, but it hurts like shit just the same. Its the nag of a new companion called Ms. Chronic Pain that pisses me off the most, but her bitch of a girlfriend, Ms. Vicaden Withdraw is not a relaxed kinship in anyway. Between the drugs, the pain, the rearrangement of life to accommodate these two new unwelcome companions, and watching my best friend and children endure it all with me, sometimes a person just wants to get the hell off this ride and go home. Exactly how many times can a body whirl around on a carnival ride before the feeling of blowing chunks gets to be too much?

I want off. It's time for me to go home. It's time for these two crazed bitches to leave me alone and let my life resurrect from the ash pit it has become. I don't really know where the path back starts, or if I can even end up in the same place I left off, but the journey must begin just the same. As we all had to face the dark as children who stayed out too late and wandered too far from the safety of lit streets, I have now been dropped off in the dark, very far from home, and must outrace these companions to return to the safety of what once was.

Holy crap someday I will learn to write and stop this rambling shit.

I have to go check my fences, because good fences make good neighbors.

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1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the nasty mistress called "Chronic Pain." She's a very demanding mistress. The whole family must jump through hoops and dance to her tune.

    I really think all the people who laugh at Rush's pain pill addiction have never lived in a house where "Chronic Pain" resided. I also think unless a person has either suffered the pain first hand, or been a member of such a household, they have no business talking about how they'd do it. Because they don't have any clue what the hell they're talking about.

    There will be good days again. Honestly.


Now, tell me how you really feel!