Thursday, March 10, 2005

Dear Scott

Since it has been a long dry spell at bloggertown, I am actually doing as I threatened. Scotty, I loves ya but I am cutting and pasting just as I said I would. Here's hoping it will kick start the brain currently on bypass.

It was nice to get your E back. I am glad you caught me up on all your happenings. Mine are a big swirly when I stop and think about it all since September ... between the wedding (oy) quitting a job, getting a job, a free lance writing gig for a magazine, midlife crisis crap and (finally) kicking the vicaden habit, my life needs a breather.

Now, if there were only funds available for a weekend at the beach, a blanket to wrap up in, a nice bon fire, and no noise but waves crashing I think I could scrape my shit back in a pile. Until then....... hhmmmm.....

OH and then there are my kids. wow. who'd a thought my oldest would be the heroic son of a bitch, my daughter would be a carbon copy of dear old mom, my 16 year old would be a law breaker, my 11 year old would have medical issue hammering him, and my baby (my little empath) would be 8! by now. Gawd I am old.

Sept. The wedding was pretty cool. Rained like a bitch but that made it really feel like the beach, which is want I wanted. Not a big crowd, but everyone that showed had a ball, and who can ask for more. A really cool part was after it was over, we were driving home to get the luggage for a couple days away and the golf course next door to us was shooting off huge fireworks. The perfect ending considering we originally planned the whole thing for July 4. Sweet.

Oct. The doc finally declared me at medical maximum improvement and I had to go back to work at the airport. This time I really started to enjoy being in the middle of 2000 people a day. I changed gates (went from US Air to Delta) and made some great friends. When the company found out I was never going to be able to lift 70 lbs again, they wanted to fire me on the spot. I kicked a fit and got an extra 90 days out of them to get reevaluated, but knew it was just a window to find something else.

Nov. Holidays. Not my most shining moments. Hate 'em. Totally believe holidays are the emotional rape of humanity by the materialistic modernists out to keep 99.9% of us miserable.

Dec. See entry for Nov.

Jan. Started a job at ADT as an outbound dispatcher. "Good morning this is Lori with ADT Security Services. There is a burglar alarm going off at your location is everything ok there? May I have your password please? May I have your first and last name please? You have a good day!" "Oh your house is on fire? Don't worry hon, you can get a new one, I did." LOL... 8 hours a day. On my ass in a chair. On the phone. somebody help me. So that has made the midlife "gotta change this and follow my heart" thing really kick up a notch. I have been tossing around this idea of being a massage therapist for a year or so now. Today my light finally came on. I don't know why. I was sitting here reading your email and it just clicked. Just jump off! If this is what you want, focking go out there and get it. What de hell are you waiting on?? Sorry about the self talk. I should be blogging this,(yes I miss writing in my blog) but you get to be the lucky recipient. Maybe I will cut and paste this whole thing. ha.

My kids.... Jake is 22 and now teaching classes as a firefighter. He works 6 months a year on wildland fires and this winter he is traveling the midwest teaching fire science to community fire fighters. Where the hell did he come from????? If I didn't have the stretch marks to prove he is mine, and if he hadn't been the only baby born in Beloit that week I would swear they switched him. Oh. and he looks just like me... so I guess that wouldn't work. And he drinks just like the rest of my family, it breaks my heart but he is well on his way to becoming a high functioning alcoholic just like the rest of the McMurrays. Nuts don't fall far from the tree I am afraid.

Sarah. 20. Not much to say about that. She is beautiful, confused, trying and scared, but hanging in there just the same. At least she has not followed her brother into the drinking world, she is studying for a career in international agriculture (whatever the hell that is).

Derek. 16. Currently the newest pet in the court system in Jewell County. Not incarcerated at this point, but If he has another showdown like he had in October, ..... their football team went a long way this year but got beat at the state level... well you know how dumbshit jocks are, they all went out drinking after that. Dear old Derek, he was driving (YIKES) back to Jewell and the officer flashed his lights. Derek (fool) panicked and RAN from the cop, got caught and of course failed the breathalizer. I got a phone call at 4:30 a.m. with this kid crying hysterically on the phone... i am sorry... Shit Scott, I thought someone had died.
Well, he got his psych eval yesterday. I don't know how it came out (I personally think he has some very REAL issues, but getting my ex to talk about that would be like the mountain actually moving to Mohammad) and then there is the whole diversion case to be worked out.... Yep, see why I need a weekend at the beach??? :)

My youngest two are still innocent and would it be horrible if I home schooled them in a cabin in the woods somewhere? Ok, I am waiting for MTTI to call me back. I hope they have a session starting soon and a way for me to make bank while at school... meanwhile, I have to get this magazine story finished. Deadline is the 23rd and I am just happier writing to you instead of their crap. ha.

Tell me about your school!!! And by the way, it sounds like moving out was a great deal for you! congrats...

As always, Lori

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