Friday, March 18, 2005


I did it. I went to my first day of classes and loved every second. Well almost every second except the guilt over ignoring my own nutritional health for so many years. Yes, my own health is a wreck and fixable through personal committment, but laziness is a way of life for junk foodies like me. It is just so EASY to pull into the drive through or stop at the deli on the way home. Do you suppose this is part of the prod from the Higher Powers to get my life in shape? hhhmmmm.......

The two teachers I was introduced to yesterday were enjoyable. Both presented dry and flushable information in an interesting and approachable manner. Nutrition is changing at the speed of light right now and everything we learn will be null if we don't push for self-education. Ethics are as easy or as hard as a practitioner wishes to make them. To me it seems like common sense and common courtesy, but complicated by free-will and open interpretation. It seems the hard part will be making my clients think as I do while in my space. Then it comes down to do I want their money or do I want control? hhhmmm....

College is never a time of narrowing choices, only a time of expanding horizons. It could be said it is not the same for a "trade school", but it would not be true. It is what I love about diving back into the education process. Stretch marks on the brain are always a good thing.

Having a 45 minute commute through some of the most congested traffic in KC does give me time to mull it over, that is if the insane drivers here would STOP thinking my cushion room between me and the car in front of me is their personal slot to crowd into. Jezzuss people, have we never heard of defensive driving???? What the hell exactly do they think the "3 car lengths" thingy is about? And lets face it there is just something freaky about being stopped completely in a lane, waiting to get on the off-ramp, and having semi's doing 65 mph fifteen inches from my honda. find your happy place lori, find your happy place.......

My ethics teacher, a LMT from Nebraska, (ew) spoke about how the massage process for 99% of the clients will cause physical and emotional reactions where people will laugh, cry, and unload their soul with no ablity to stop the onslaught, especially when the deep tissue work is being done. I have always been a good listener, so this part will not be different, but when I am receiving the session, am I ready to open up like that? Another big hhhhmmmmmmm........

Hope my team of Guardians is ready for this one.

Time to study! more later....

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