Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Here comes Rita

I had a great post ready to go and blogger ate it. OMG this is so frustrating. At least the thoughts are still here so I will attempt to do this again. DAMN.

Texas seems to be taking this seriously. They already have supplies lined up and troups ready to go. Good. Ray Nagin should take a lesson, as well as the Gov of LA. Evacuation has already started and it is not supposed to hit until Friday.

I recieved an email from a resident of McComb MS yesterday describing the relief effort first hand. Mighty impressive except for a noticable absence of some major organizations known far and wide for lip service. I suppose this is why they are notible jaw jackers. (note: lip service, jaw jackers)

Who? Who, you say??

Well let me name names. ACLU. That's American Civil Liberties Union. Wouldn't this be a prime time for them to get involved with all the race comments being tossed around? Then there is NAACP. That's National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons. Well now. I think that is just amazing. Bitch to high heaven but sit on your thumb and wait for someone else to do it. People for the American Way. Scream about taking care of your own and don't come to the party??? well just smack me. What the hell are you people waiting for? Monogramed invitations?

This should be classed as a hate crime. It makes me sick.

And while I am on a rant about hate crime, here, right here in my new hometown there is a couple happily trying to live their lives in surburbia. They have found dead mice and birds in their driveway. They are picking up trash from behind their car tires. They are cleaning up glass from broken windows. They have to repair their steps because some jerk kicks out their railing. In an interview on TV the ignoramous LEO states there is no way to prove this is a hate crime. He says the windows could have been broken by a rock thrown from a tire of a passing car.

WTF??????? I wonder if it is really dark when he has his head crammed that far up his own ass.

Oh! And check this shit out. When I went out online to double check my quotes and get accurate info... (thanks to John B for teaching me to be a thorough reporter) the LEO's comments had been convieniently censored out of the story.

DAMN I hate slanted journalism. It makes me reeeeallly angry.

On a side note. Anyone in the market for a nice girly type doggie? Sarah was right. She told me I would hate my dog for a while. She really is rather well behaved. Doesn't crap in the house, doesn't tear up shoes, but my backyard seems to be her personal domain. She has taken to jumping on top of the hottub to get the things I put out of her reach. Yesterday it was 20 lbs of charcoal.

Yes, Sarah. I hate this dog. She better outgrow this crap. She will outgrow it, right? Right????

Lie to me.

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