Friday, September 02, 2005

The unimaginable on the Southern lawn

Just like everyone else with access to news, I am dumbfounded as I watch the scenes grow ever more desperate daily. Additionally, just like everyone else, I feel helpless. The Gulf Coast is destroyed, and people are struggling simply to survive day to day. My logical mind tells me it is just a few hours from my house. Still, as I watch TV or read whatever news I can find, it seems like a scene from another country. How can people from my home be crying out for help, getting more and more desperate by the hour?

Yet, they are.

So how do I help? RedCross and my government says give cash. Ok, that is out. You can't give what you don't have. We are down to choosing between gas and groceries right now. It cost me $75.00 right now to fill my tank. Damn I am going to walk a lot.

All I have to give is me, but how? Having been on the receiving end of an amazing amount of generosity after the fire, I feel driven to pass it on. But how? From here? To who?

RedCross is calling for volunteers, and you have to be ready for a three week assignment. I want to go. I feel deeply compelled to go. I can't go.

So I sit. I gleen the news for new news. I hold my disgust as I watch the "president" deny the oil industry could give up 20% of their profits as families starve and dehydrate. It makes me sick.

I have a home. I have nothing more to give than that. If there was a way to take in a family, I would. For as long as it takes. If I only knew a way.

If you have any ideas, tell me. I am willing.

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