Monday, September 26, 2005

Thrill rides

Here it is Monday, and my legs are still not happy with me after tromping round the amuzement park all day on Saturday. We got free tickets so off we went with the two youngest boys in tow. They were so excited, and so was I, and dear hubby was being a good sport.

First ride out of the gate was something like a great huge swing, called the Sea Dragon, and I thought it would be a snap. Ok, either I have gotten old or that is very deceiving because it scared the crap out of me. We were there early enough in the day the lines were not a problem, so the boys wanted to get right back on.

Hmmmmm .... in hindsight I would say this was a strategic mistake. Still not willing to let my babies throw themselves onto thrill rides alone, I thought I had to go along. My stomach was on full boil by the time I got off. I told them we needed to find something easy after that.

All totalled we spent 8 hours there, rode every ride available for 52" boys, spent $15.00 on 6 small drinks, and watched Nick conquer his fear of heights when he got on a roller coaster with me that goes 205 feet in the air and travels at 75 mph. He has my thrill seeker gene. Yeah!

Can't wait to go back next year. They are building a taller, faster, suspended roller coaster. Next time, however, I will try to remember to take sling with a water bottle so I can afford to buy the pictures of my children while they are on the roller coasters.

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