Thursday, December 15, 2005

As usual, the snow (which was really pretty for a 13 inch snow) is gone. Warm days took all my kids fun away, but resuced my car from the salt coating. Now the view is just brown and shitty again. Mother Earth rests, I freeze for a couple of months, but spring is just around the corner... right? Right???

Lie to me. Really. I want you to.

So I have decided on paint, ordered curtains, moved my table into my office, and still have to get a chair, an end table, and a lamp and I will be open for business. My most significant guide tells me not to worry. My new business partner tells me not to worry. My cohorts tell me not to worry. Still I worry. It's the whole marketing thing. I gave up being shy years ago, but actually getting someone to commit to an appointment is difficult. I know it is all in the presentation and the language, but it is a skill I am still working out. I hope like hell I can find the cash to make it through until the skill is honed.

Mom & Dad gave me a portable chair for Christmas, and that will help make a little bit of scratch, as long as A. keeps funneling me jobs. BTW, Thank you Mom & Dad! Every little bit helps!

Remember the dog I was ready to give away? Update.... still ready to give her away... primarily because she has NO concept of living with someone who is NOT a morning person. Honestly, I wish I could get it across her little mind I do not enjoy having a slobber-ridden chew toy dropped on my legs before my second cup of coffee in the morning. Hey, I will play, And I will enjoy it, just not before the pot is empty.

Got my chimney checked yesterday. I could not wait to burn a real fire in my very own fireplace. So here's the story .... feel free to visualize.

The chimney guy tells me I have a short flue, so it needs to be warmed before building a fire. No problem! I have a gas starter. I turn the starter on, wave my lighter around it. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Oh Yeah! The gas must be off in the basement. So downstairs I go, find the valve, turn it on, back upstairs I go, turn on the starter again and wave my lighter. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Ok, at this point I am thinking I want something longer than my hand with a baby bic in it. So I get a couple of strands of spaghetti (yes, works well as a match) and light 'em up.

I am waving them under the starter .... WHOOOOOSH!..... Now I got a flame!

SHIT!!!! It is coming out around the bricks in the firebox! Ohshit ohshit ohshit.

Now for those of you that know me, I have already endured one house burning to the ground. I am in a full blown panic attack at this point trying to get the gas shut off, get all the valves closed, and hoping like hell my house is not in mortal danger. Uncontrolled fire is not something I wish to experience again.

Yes, it is funny now. Hell, the guy at the gas company even got such a good laugh out of my story he sent someone over just to check and make sure everything was ok. They don't do that anymore because of man-power issues, but he said my story was worth sending someone just because I made him laugh. I bet I was the talk of the MGE emergency number office.

End result? The joint to the burner is leaking. We decided to do without the luxury of a starter and just do the damn thing. Turned off the gas again, and built me a nice little fire.

aaahhhh.......... wood heat........ nothing like it.

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