Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ahhhhhhh..... December 6 and no more more clinic.... no more spoonfed politics. It is great, but my stress level is reaching choke heights. Wonder why? Because it is the holidays, I have to get my business up and running by January 1, and because its the holidays... did I already say that?

Oh well. Deal.

It is snowing like a bitch outside right now. Hubby is gone all night to push snow because these fucktards in this city don't have a clue how to drive in bad weather. How hard is the concept to grasp... slow the hell down?? Don't ride the brake?? Don't romp on the gas to get out of the parking lot if someone is coming at you?? I went to help a friend fix up her house today and the snow hadn't started. By the time I left about three hours later, I went by at least 15 wrecks. Jezzuss people. Have you Ever been behind the wheel of a car before?

Yeah, I have had my share of vehicle mishaps. I remember one time riding in the car with my mother, she was white knuckling it all the way, I was a mere 17 years old, so you KNOW at that point I knew everything. Yep, we ended up in the ditch, but it was a soft landing. But I was 17 fercrist sake!

oh well. Tomorrow will bring yet another round of my continually growing road rage as I slide my way to the grocery store. Hopefully Bubba and his buddies will stay the hell home.

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