Thursday, December 22, 2005

Things I've learned this week

I've learned a lot this week. Things like standing up for yourself and telling someone off even if it means burning some bridges. Check. Did that Tuesday.

I learned I see "immediate" and not long term. Ouch. Learned that one the hard way. See my bruise? Yeah, that's the one... right around my left eye. Unfortunately, I am afraid I will continue to be this way. No apologies on my part.

I learned some people are just dicks when they get behind the wheel of the car, no matter how nice they are face to face. ....and yes, I might just be one of those people.

I learned Lowe's changes the formula on paint without telling you, and there is no way in hell to get it to match. Thank the fluffy muff they gave me a free gallon otherwise I would have had to rip someone's head off.

I learned I do not like student massage. It is akin to shopping at Big Lots and finding a really great deal. Sometimes it happens... sometimes it doesn't and you come away feeling abused. Yeow.

I learned my cat is a trouble maker. Little shit.

I learned I really don't like the holidays. No. Recind that. I already knew that.

I learned living in the city means you sit in line for 45 damn minutes to wash your car. Yes. I said fourty five damn minutes. Jeezus. Can't these people see I have better things to do?

I learned there is more than one person in the world with the "big picture" ability than my hubby possesses and unfortuantely (or fortunately) I am going into business with him. ~shit~

I learned I like tequila and orange juice.

I learned tobacco is a curse from hell.

I learned I really don't like cold weather. Oops. Recind again. Just remembered I knew that. Still hate the shit.

I learned there really are some wonderful people in my life and they have loved on me like nobody's business over this journey of starting my own practice. Thanks to you. You know who you are.

I am "learning" to like being 43. Things that used to really tear me up are not so bad. (maybe I better write that down and keep it in my purse)

When I thought about this entry on my way home today, I had a TON of stuff. Now... I just can't remember most of it. Might be the tequila, might be the seasonal depression, might be the fact my brain is going eight thousand different directions trying to cover every angle of getting a business in a metropolitan area up and sucessful. I don't know.

If I remember more, I will be sure and tell ya.

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