Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Year, New Look

So here it is, my new look for the ole' net spot. I even figured out how to add links. I am pretty happy about that. Most of these people will probably never know I link to them, or even that I read them daily, but oh well. It's fun for me and thats what its all about, right? Yeah, you know it.

My business has been up for two weeks now. I sold my first package yesterday, (buy 8 massages, get two free) so I am pleased about that. At least I can make rent next month. Now I am back into marketing mode, and even though I do NOT like "selling" myself, the prospect of no longer worrying about how to pay the electric bill is pretty awesome.

Not much on my mind today. I have to follow up with yesterday's clients and stratigize more ways to get more clients. Lesson for this week? Thinking about your business is just as much work as working your business. Time consuming, tedious, and just plain exhausting. Anyone who has good advice about starting a business from scratch, please E me. I don't like re-inventing the wheel and am all about getting this going fast.

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