Tuesday, February 07, 2006

15 days

Fifteen little days left until the (large cavernous sound please) Big Test. I study, study, study, and still Aruvedic and Chinese Meridian continue to eat my lunch. Ya think seven little chakras would not be such a big deal. Ok, so I get that part, but the kapha, pitta, bla bla bla..... Not to mention which meridian starts on your nose and ends on your toe... DAMN! If I don't pass, these are the reasons.

Company a week ago was fun! Dear Oscar has/hasn't changed. Quieter than "normal", but still "O". btw... still waiting on those B&W pics. ~wink~ *nudge*

Had a real meltdown a couple of days ago. It's the whole scorpio curse. Even went so far as to try to get a job working nights just to have $$ coming in. My financial hemmorhage really has got to stop. ... but I didn't start working somewhere else... and I got a couple new clients this week.

I know. I hear ya. But really I hate that plumber that took a cool $1800 from me. And the more I think about it, the more I feel ripped off. He "worked" less than a full 8 hours even tho he and his little monkey were here two days. Other than unload the massive back-hoe and dig a hole, plus jack-hammer the crap out of my basement floor, he didn't do a damn thing to warrent that much of my hard earned moola. That much money would have carried me through 4 months of rent. Or two mortgage payments. Or a FanTastic vacation. Or a year of groceries. Or, ... or... or.....

That plumber is the spawn of the devil. I am sure of it.

And his butt crack showed.

I wonder, is that a requirement when you study the trade? "Must have the ability to have your pants slide down past the top of your butt crack with a belt on."

Thank my lucky stars I am an MT. For a while at least.

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