Friday, February 17, 2006

Geez. The crap you read on the net.

My mind just boggles when I think about the crap I have read over the past few days. OMG. The human race is going to hell on a fast commuter train. Really.

One of my daily reads had a site with the worlds longest shit. oh ... it defies the imagination, and more than that.... WHY?????????????? gross. Just gross. Worse than gross... why the fuck did I look? I am scarred for life.

The flap about the VP shootin' his bud on a hunting trip. I mean really. Shit happens. We ALL know I am not ( or should I say no longer) a devout platform thumpin' Republican, however, have you ever been hunting? For god sakes man... ALWAYS announce yourself when you rejoin the line. Cheney didn't do a damn thing wrong. It was an Accident! Get over it. Would it be do damn dramatic if he rear-ended someone? Yeah, I know he won't be driving himself anywhere anytime soon, but lets just get some perspective here.... and tell all those damn reporters who have NO idea what a hunt is like to shut the f.... up.
(I can say that because I AM a reporter, formerly).

Still studying for the test. Still finding eight thousand ways to not study for the test. I wonder. Do I have ADHD ? If I was eight and needed to study they would drug me so I could.

It sucks to be an adult.

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