Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Camelot - redefined.

The Republicans are in trouble. GW, after last night, may just be yet another closed chapter in American history. I say these things with all sincerity, waving my voter registration card in the air, feeling the need to march to the courthouse and change my party affiliation from Republican to Democrat. (Sorry mom)

As I watched Bill Clinton rivot the delegates (and myself) during his speech, I wondered out loud to Steven, a died-in-the-wool democrat himself, where the hell did this come from? I don't remember the polish and confidence exhibited during an electrifying address at the Democratic Nation Convention. I do remember a feeling of 'he's pulling a fast one here', but it is really difficult to discern the liberal or conservative media from a deeply Republican area. Last night, Clinton wiped that slate clean. He was charming. He was engaging. He demonstrated a sense of humor, all without side-stepping his personal background of sometimes questionable issues. His honestly regarding his status in the monetary social order was refreshing. I laughed out loud at his remarks about tax cuts for the top 1% of the nation. It is after all true, but to have it slammed in your face when everyone I know is having a hell of a time paying their monthly bills makes my blood boil. Good job Bill. It worked.

And let's not forget Hillary. My god, can we say "Camelot"?? She was always a favorite figure in the heirarchy, and her strength of character radiated through last night as she stumped for better controls against terrorism, and healthcare for everyone.

I can't say the Clintons were perfect. My son Jacob has a lucrative job as a firefighter due to the Clinton policy of closing the forests to responsible environmental management. Pine Bark Beetle has decimated the western forests, thus the fire rages on. Bill commented on China and Japan being "our bankers". Well of course they are, isn't that the action he expected when he courted the Chinese government not so many years ago? I am not sure it is going to matter at this point. Too many crave the prosperity available to the average Joe not so many years ago.

GW, what have you done? The nation followed you willingly into the "glory days" of your administration, cheered you on as you struck with force and determination, and stood solidly in your camp as the war on terrorism raged on. Now, the political platform for the challenging party looks amazingly inviting. I can't imagine I feel any different than a million other Republicans. We all want to kick some terrorist ass. But can't we prosper as a whole in the mean time? Can only the ultra rich get richer as the rest of us slide into the financial muck?

Tonight will be fascinating, to say the least. I look forward to the bluntness of Teresa Heinz Kerry. Who doesn't love the fact she can tell a reporter to shove it and still come out smelling like a rose?

The house is a-rockin' in Boston. I won't bother knockin'. I'm just goin' on in......

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