Thursday, July 22, 2004

You know it's hot when.....

Remember when you were 15 and the stiffling heat of summer didn't even phase you? Boy, I do. I remember sunbathing on top of mom and dad's motorhome in the driveway with my best friend. I must have looked like an over-roasted marshmellow, but the heat didn't make me think twice. I was driving in my car yesterday and a few "you know when's" came to me. Some of them actually happened, making it all the more absurd.

You know it's hot when...... walk across the post office parking lot and your flip flops stick. (true story, thought my flippies were lost forever) get in the hot tub to cool off and it works. (again, true story)
.......the cat gives you a *kiss my furry ass* look as you are forcing him out the door, when he normally bolts for the great outdoors everytime he sees a break. (yep, true) get up at 6 a.m. and the current temp is 80 with 45-50% humidity. (last three days) have absolutely nothing to blog about because you have stayed in your cave to beat the heat for days on end. (at least you don't have to shave your legs for it) get a tan in the shade.

On a brighter note, it is supposed to storm like hell tonight. Three inches of rain on the way. Oh crap, I gotta leave my cave and get that yard mowed.

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