Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I give

Ok. I admit it. I am (oh man, I am about to think this out loud)... I am middle aged. There. I got it out. After planning, re-planning, and finally conceding, our wedding is officially a train wreck. It started out on July 4th. It got moved to July 25th. It more than likely has degenerated from a wedding to a justice of the peace formality. I wanted the specific day I dedicate my life to the man I love to be a bit more ceremonial than getting a drivers license. It looks like I had my one chance at a romantic wedding, and it didn't work out too well either.

I see awesome weddings all the time. My former editor at the paper had a wonderful wedding, in spite of the wind. How do they do it? Youth and enthusiasm, that's how. Both a couple of commodities I lost a few years back. I can't stomp and scream it's not fair. Not that I don't want to... but that would not be fair either. I really think it has more to do with being young, bull headed, and never willing to concede. Unfortunately for the princess in me, I have learned the "concession lesson" quite well. Maybe too well.

Ok! I give. To whom ever is yanking my spiritual chain, YOU WIN! It wasn't a big thing to ask. Just a little romance. Just a little spark of non-reality. Man I really sound depressed about it all, but really I'm not. It must have more to do with coming to grips with age over enthusiasm, because I know honestly a 30 minute window of romance is nothing to build the rest of your life upon. Been there, done that, wouldn't recommend the movie.

On a brighter note, I found out my potential new employer called my former employer yesterday. *J*, I hope you had good things to say about me. After all, it is your fault I discovered a love of the publishing industry.

Gotta go check the fences, did you do something nice for someone yesterday?

1 comment:

  1. Fences are always hard work and unappreciated at best! The convincing parts about the fence are, people can't see in nor can they break in so easily.
    The world will continue to spin no matter what part we play. I don't plan on taking my next breath, it just happens. I can force it when I think of it, but most of the time, forcing it gives me a head rush and then dizziness from over exerting myself sets in. What does all this mean? The ocean hides the secret. Just like the saying "it is all in just one thing" Billy Crystal believed in it and all of a sudden the seacher has found what he was looking for. The butterfly landed.
    Let the air flow, you will breathe until you can't any more.
    Got to love patience, but then I don't either.


Now, tell me how you really feel!