Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm so proud!

kiss my ass2
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
You must be so proud

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by

Havin' company...

Yes, I am having company this weekend. It is kinda cool actually. We haven't had anyone over just to hang with us since the legendary wedding weekend a year and a half ago. I admit it, I am kinda excited about it.

Scott and I have been friends for quite a while, and in fact, my last child wears his name as his middle moniker. I don't think I ever told my ex that I was naming baby boy after someone... but Scott is like the little brother I never got to have. So nyaaa....... He and I have a unique relationship in the fact we laugh like idiots the entire time we are around each other. It was always that way. I think it will be cool to have him here for the weekend.

I called him last night to see what his plans were for the weekend.. and in typical fashion he said... "uhhh.. nothing?".

.. Scott. Dude. Somebody's gotta get a game plan here. All I know is he wants to get a new camera, and he wants to go to the Apple store and get a new ipod. And I am dragging his ass to the gig on Saturday night down at Blayney's. Other than that? I just might sit and drink coffee, reinforce my bad habits, and ignore him.

ha. just kidding. But really. If he is family, you get that right don'tcha?

Well, don'tcha??

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The trouble with What??

Is it just me, or has the scientific world slipped a cog in regards to this Newsweek article? While surfing Jaboobie I found this info and honestly just sat and shook my head. I mean come On! Who can't figure out boys NEED physical activity to just be "a productive part of society"? Jaboobie says it pretty good himself.

Ok, so I do have a leg up (apparently) on this so called 'scientific study'. Being the mother of four boys plus self inflicted mother to many others calling my boys family, I would have killed them all myself if they hadn't played and played hard several times a day.

It's true (and not just because Newsweek finally said so) that boys are wired differently. My god. Who would want boys to be just like girls? Boys approach the task with a different goal in mind. Every time. First off, as little men, they don't want to play unless they can eat it or beat it up. As their little male psyches grow, they don't want to play unless they can eat it or feel it up. Eventually it rounds out to just eating. Why the hell do you think women are taught the way to a man's heart is through his stomach?

Well duh.

Maybe I should apply for a grant to study boys. I got a great start. One of my "boys" just signed to play Pro Football. Now. Do you think he functioned well being told to sit still and be quiet?

uuuhh..... no. He is a boy.

My oldest son is a firefighter. He climbs mountains all day long, sleeps out in the woods, and runs 20 miles a day in the off season. Think he did well when I told him to be quiet?

uuuhh..... no. Very much a boy.

jezzus people. Study something worth while, not something known since pre-biblical times.

D-Day has been scheduled.

February 23 will be my D-day. The jury is still out as to the definition of "D".

It could mean D-elightful.

It could mean D-iasterous.

It definitely means D-angerous (professionally speaking).

That is the day I am scheduled to take my National Certification Exam. To be a practicing MT in the state of Missouri, you must pass the NCE. If I don't pass, I have to come up with yet ANOTHER $250.00 and take the exam again... so basically, no pass, no practice. I have hit the financial wall with this crap and to come up with more money without the clients to fund this little expedition would be harder than hell.

Where is my sugar daddy when I need him? Can't you just hear the conversation now?

"no really, all I need is a couple 4 grand to pay off everything and I will be good."

"So you want more money? MORE?"

as she bats her eyes... "but .... aren't I worth it?"

Shit. I need to win the lottery.

What? Really??





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

So does being a massage therapist qualify as sociology?

whoda thunk it.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

uhhh... :???? well? it's true.

Sorry Sarah.

Your momma still loves you.


Just got off the phone with my daughter. She told me (excitedly) about standing in line today at her college to get tickets to see dear ol' dubya in action. I'm just not sure how to feel about that one. She was pretty happy about it all.

Oh holy shit. I have raised a Republican.

Now that I put some thought on it, three of my five are pretty solidly in the Republican camp.

In all honestly, I spent the majority of my life as a card-carrying-kiss-my-ass Republican myself. It's just recently I have begun to question party politics. And usually? Most of my questions come up either unanswered or the answers disgust me.

Yeah, I need more tequila to think about this one.

Have fun Sarah! It is a once in a lifetime opportunity after all. Even if dubya just makes you laugh, you are still watching the leader of the free world (?).

Yoga is gooood...

I did the yoga thing this morning. I actually liked it! It's not physically hard, but it does show you how and where your physical weaknesses are. Plus, it did quiet my screaming mind. I found myself better centered, then I immediately started making phone calls to prospect for new clients.

They all said yes.

~doin' the happy dance~

Looks like the Massage Therapy business might just pan out after all. Hubby says enjoy these days of leisure. Soon enough I will be crying for a vacation. He's right, although I could take a vacation at the drop of a hat for no reason at all.

Just because I want to. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Another blank screen

sucks. I am sitting here wondering wtf to write...again...there isn't much going on here. The business is ... well let's just say I am learning another lesson in patience. Hubby says that will be my biggest challenge in life. He's probably right. I am not patient. At all. See no reason for it.

Well duh. Yet another lesson on my path to enlightenment. So I'm thinkin' yoga might help. You know, quiet the old mind thing. Let ~shit~ come to you from the ethers. demmit. I wonder if any Scorpio is good at patience? I still have to meet one if that's possible. The gods know I'm not, my mom isn't, my first love wasn't (now There's a story!), my middle middle son isn't. No. I haven't met one. Must be a karmic impossibility.

I almost gave up the pooch last week. She got into the trash can right after I cleaned my kitchen floor. I nearly lost my mind over that one. It was like the last straw. I banished her to the back yard for two days. I even found someone who really wants her. Then I felt guilty, remembered all the cute things she does, appreciated her for being a bad ass German Shepard with a heart of gold, and let her back in. I suck. I need to be meaner. ;)

Or more patient.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Sarah, this is for you

Yeah, you know why. And you are like me. I'm sorry and I'm proud all in the same breath. I just pray you find a strong man to handle the woman you've become. Never settle. Be the bitch you were born to be!

by the way, I snatched this from . Great site. I think I will add this to my daily reads.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Year, New Look

So here it is, my new look for the ole' net spot. I even figured out how to add links. I am pretty happy about that. Most of these people will probably never know I link to them, or even that I read them daily, but oh well. It's fun for me and thats what its all about, right? Yeah, you know it.

My business has been up for two weeks now. I sold my first package yesterday, (buy 8 massages, get two free) so I am pleased about that. At least I can make rent next month. Now I am back into marketing mode, and even though I do NOT like "selling" myself, the prospect of no longer worrying about how to pay the electric bill is pretty awesome.

Not much on my mind today. I have to follow up with yesterday's clients and stratigize more ways to get more clients. Lesson for this week? Thinking about your business is just as much work as working your business. Time consuming, tedious, and just plain exhausting. Anyone who has good advice about starting a business from scratch, please E me. I don't like re-inventing the wheel and am all about getting this going fast.