Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The trouble with What??

Is it just me, or has the scientific world slipped a cog in regards to this Newsweek article? While surfing Jaboobie I found this info and honestly just sat and shook my head. I mean come On! Who can't figure out boys NEED physical activity to just be "a productive part of society"? Jaboobie says it pretty good himself.

Ok, so I do have a leg up (apparently) on this so called 'scientific study'. Being the mother of four boys plus self inflicted mother to many others calling my boys family, I would have killed them all myself if they hadn't played and played hard several times a day.

It's true (and not just because Newsweek finally said so) that boys are wired differently. My god. Who would want boys to be just like girls? Boys approach the task with a different goal in mind. Every time. First off, as little men, they don't want to play unless they can eat it or beat it up. As their little male psyches grow, they don't want to play unless they can eat it or feel it up. Eventually it rounds out to just eating. Why the hell do you think women are taught the way to a man's heart is through his stomach?

Well duh.

Maybe I should apply for a grant to study boys. I got a great start. One of my "boys" just signed to play Pro Football. Now. Do you think he functioned well being told to sit still and be quiet?

uuuhh..... no. He is a boy.

My oldest son is a firefighter. He climbs mountains all day long, sleeps out in the woods, and runs 20 miles a day in the off season. Think he did well when I told him to be quiet?

uuuhh..... no. Very much a boy.

jezzus people. Study something worth while, not something known since pre-biblical times.

1 comment:

  1. We use to have professional wrestling matches during recess as well. Can you imagine what would happen to a couple of kids if they were caught fake wrestling at recess today? They'd probably lock them up in a mental institute.


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