Tuesday, January 24, 2006

D-Day has been scheduled.

February 23 will be my D-day. The jury is still out as to the definition of "D".

It could mean D-elightful.

It could mean D-iasterous.

It definitely means D-angerous (professionally speaking).

That is the day I am scheduled to take my National Certification Exam. To be a practicing MT in the state of Missouri, you must pass the NCE. If I don't pass, I have to come up with yet ANOTHER $250.00 and take the exam again... so basically, no pass, no practice. I have hit the financial wall with this crap and to come up with more money without the clients to fund this little expedition would be harder than hell.

Where is my sugar daddy when I need him? Can't you just hear the conversation now?

"no really, all I need is a couple 4 grand to pay off everything and I will be good."

"So you want more money? MORE?"

as she bats her eyes... "but .... aren't I worth it?"

Shit. I need to win the lottery.

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