Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Another blank screen

sucks. I am sitting here wondering wtf to write...again...there isn't much going on here. The business is ... well let's just say I am learning another lesson in patience. Hubby says that will be my biggest challenge in life. He's probably right. I am not patient. At all. See no reason for it.

Well duh. Yet another lesson on my path to enlightenment. So I'm thinkin' yoga might help. You know, quiet the old mind thing. Let ~shit~ come to you from the ethers. demmit. I wonder if any Scorpio is good at patience? I still have to meet one if that's possible. The gods know I'm not, my mom isn't, my first love wasn't (now There's a story!), my middle middle son isn't. No. I haven't met one. Must be a karmic impossibility.

I almost gave up the pooch last week. She got into the trash can right after I cleaned my kitchen floor. I nearly lost my mind over that one. It was like the last straw. I banished her to the back yard for two days. I even found someone who really wants her. Then I felt guilty, remembered all the cute things she does, appreciated her for being a bad ass German Shepard with a heart of gold, and let her back in. I suck. I need to be meaner. ;)

Or more patient.

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